Thursday, September 21, 2006

Manderino Library Book Club--September Selection

"Far out to sea, one hundred miles from where Isaac [Cline] stood, Capt. J. W. Simmons, master of the steamship, Pensacola, prayed softly to himself as horizontal spheres of rain exploded against the bridge with such force they luminesced in a billion pinpoints of light, like fireworks in green-black sky. He had stumbled into the deadliest storm ever to target America. Within the next twenty-four hours, eight thousand men, women, and children in the city of Galveston would lose their lives. The city itself would lose its futureā€¦. This is the story of Isaac and his time in America, the last turning of the centuries, when the hubris of men led them to believe they could disregard nature itself."--Isaac's Storm, p. 16.
Fellow Readers:

The next meeting of the Manderino Library Book Club will be on Wednesday evening, September 27, 2006, at 7:00 p.m. We will be meeting in library classroom #208. At this meeting, Dr. Jamie Mitchem, a Cal U professor, will lead our discussion on Erik Larson's Isaac's Storm: A Man, A Time, and the Deadliest Hurricane in History.

Questions? Give me a call.

Marsha L. Nolf

Public Services Coordinator/Associate Professor
Louis L. Manderino Library
California University of Pennsylvania
250 University Avenue
California, PA 15419