Monday, April 19, 2010

Google Searching Tips

A recently post on gives 10 easy strategies for getting more out of a simple Google search:

Want more? The library offers a 30-minute workshop entitled "Googling Google: Searching Secrets." This workshop will next be offered during Fall semester - keep an eye on the Announcements for dates. Or contact the Reference Desk on the first floor of the library to learn more.

Wednesday, April 07, 2010

What's greener: e-readers or books?

Interesting op-ed comparing the lives of ereaders and physical books, from the materials used to make and manufacture, transport, read and dispose of each item. The author calculates where the environmental break even point is - and of course mentions the most eco-friendly option: your library!

Monday, April 05, 2010

Keith Richard's secret be a librarian!

Of course we all know that a librarian's job is way more than keeping track of books - personally, I have a lot more focus on working students through the research process and helping them find and evaluate quality resources both through print and online materials...but we're all happy the Stones' guitarist has a passion for books, and wish him well in his efforts to organize his collection.